Gabriel Pons of PONSHOP partnered with the Fredericksburg Area Museum and Cultural Center for a three-day summer art camp from July 15-17, 2013. The theme of the camp was "Art Outside the Box". Students were instructed to draw upon the city's rich history and built environment to create a collaborative mixed media mural to be installed on the William Street facade of the museum. Throughout the three days, Pons gave the students a background of the history of graffiti and street art and coupled their activities to "interrogate" the cityscape of Fredericksburg. What is the message of the signage that we view in the streets day to day? How can students express themselves using only text or only imagery? How can we reinterpret historic themes in a new way?
Below is a chronology of the workshop sessions. Students used wheat paste to collage imagery and maps relating to the city of Fredericksburg on six wooden panels. They were encouraged to explore writing their names using different styles and methods. Pons gave students a tutorial on how to design, cut, and spray various stencils and students then collectively painted the six panels using spray paint, acrylic paint and stencils. The completed panels were installed in the existing window wells of the museum. Thanks to Janelle Kennedy, interns Caroline Fogg and Dani Payne, and the staff of the Fredericksburg Area Museum for contributing to the success of this workshop. Special shout outs to our campers for the week. They're excitement and genuine enthusiasm made the project worth while. Good Job Students!
"Portal to History" Walking Map Release Event Announced
PONSHOP Studio and the Fredericksburg Visitor Center are pleased to announce the release of their collaborative children’s walking map titled, “A Portal to History.” This walking map is the product of an eight-week series of art workshops and historic tours held by PONSHOP Studio including the work of eight scholarship students. The evening will include an exhibit of the student work, a photo slideshow, and a brief presentation from the students and workshop organizers.
The students visited seven Fredericksburg historic landmarks including: Hugh Mercer Apothecary, Fredericksburg Center for the Creative Arts, The Fredericksburg Museum and Cultural Center, Mary Washington House, Kenmore Plantation, and the Rising Sun Tavern. Students were responsible for collecting materials (historic information, photographic documentation, and architectural illustrations) pertinent to each site. In the following sessions, PONSHOP instructors Scarlett and Gabriel Pons assisted them in creating a walking map incorporating their findings and illustrations from their visits.
The map provides young tourists with an interactive means of exploring the city’s historic sites and also becomes a self-made souvenir, including a stamp collecting activity for six of the historic landmarks. The map also provides a link with additional information about and pictures from the students’ workshop process.
As a means to give closure to the workshop and share the walking map with the public, students will present the “Portal to History” project at a formal reception on Friday, February 8 from 6-7pm. All are welcome to attend.
On behalf of PONSHOP Studio, we would like to thank the following for their assistance in this project: The City of Fredericksburg, The University of Mary Washington, Fredericksburg Center for the Creative Arts, The Fredericksburg Area Museum and Cultural Center, The George Washington Foundation, and Washington Heritage Museums. We would also like to thank the participating students: Maggie Carmody, Caroline Connors, Jordan DeBoise, Madelyn Descutner, Matt Dinehart, Zoë Kovacs, David Pearcy, and Marielle White.
Student Show Part 2

"Student Show" Opening Reception: February 3, 2012
The "First" Friday of February marked the opening reception of PONSHOP's second annual student show. This year, we had a total of 23 students participating in this month-long exhibition. In addition that evening, we hosted the Massaponax High School Art students in our studio for their NYC fund raiser. Students raised over $300 to put towards their field trip to New York City this spring to visit the Metropolitan Museum of Fine Art, MoMA, and the Guggenheim Museum. Below are some snapshots from the evening. Thanks to all the participating PONSHOP students and their families for their involvement.
Second Annual PONSHOP Student Show Announcement
PONSHOP will be hosting their second annual Student Art Show in February 2012. Educating as many 98 students in 2011, the gallery will exhibit a cross section of paintings and ceramics completed by PONSHOP students over the past year.
Student work will include all Adult and Youth Mixed Media and Ceramics, Intro to Street Art, Skate to Create, Adult Drawing, and Through an Architect’s Eyes workshops as well as many private sessions. The exhibit is a means of encouraging students to continue to participate in the city’s art community, allowing their work to take center stage. PONSHOP owners Scarlett and Gabriel Pons feel that it is important to continue to mentor students on the process of presenting their artwork in a gallery setting.
In addition, PONSHOP is offering its gallery during First Friday’s opening to host a fundraiser to benefit Massaponax High School art students planning a three-day Art-based field trip to New York City this spring. That evening, MHS students will be selling their original artwork and baked goods to raise money for their trip. Sponsored by Massaponax High School art teacher Patricia Atkinson and organized through EF Tours and the Smithsonian Institute, the trip will include visits to the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art, The MOMA, and the Guggenheim Museum.
Participating PONSHOP students include: Barbara Deal, Jack Weisenberger, Hannah Mann, Jeff Gulick, Sidney Mullis, Terry Pitzel, Tara and Maran Lee and many more. PONSHOP is genuinely excited to feature the work of their students and hope that you can join us for this exclusive event.
Opening Reception: Friday, February 3 (6-10pm)
Exhibition Dates: Friday, February 3 to Sunday, February 26
Call For Artists: Second Annual PONSHOP Student Show
We are excited to announce our second annual PONSHOP Student Show this February and invite all students who participated in a PONSHOP workshop over the past year of 2011 to contribute to the exhibition.
If you would like to exhibit the student work that you've done with teachers Gabriel and Scarlett Pons, simply RSVP back to us and let us know.
If you have alternate or additional artwork you’d like to exhibit, (and it is inspired by a PONSHOP Workshop) please contact us at your earliest convenience and we’ll review the work in person for consideration.
Below are some instructions and a schedule for all participating artists:
All PONSHOP Students from 2011 including all Adult and Youth Ceramics, Mixed Media, Intro to Street Art, Skate to Create, Adult Drawing, and Through an Architect’s Eyes workshops as well as any private or group sessions. Artwork entries into the exhibit is FREE for all our students.
Drop Off Artwork for Exhibit: Saturday, January 28 (10am-6pm) & Sun (noon-5pm) January 29
Free Workshop for Preparing Artwork: Saturday, January 28 (1:00-2:30pm)
Exhibition Dates: Friday, February 3 – Sunday February 26
Opening Reception: Friday, February 3 (6-10pm)
Pick up of Artwork: Monday, February 27 (10am-6pm)
All two dimensional work is to be equipped with a hanging wire adequate to support the painting when hung on a wall. No gallery clips or saw tooth hangers are to be used (Please see our Guidelines for Art Submissions). If you need help preparing artwork for exhibition, we will be holding an exclusive workshop on Saturday January 28 from 1:00-2:30pm. Gabe can help mount and prepare the 2’x4’ and 2’x2’ “Street Art” panels as well as give students instruction on threading wire for all “Skate to Create” decks. This workshop is free for our students, but any donations to cover the cost of materials is appreciated. Please let us know if you plan on attending.
We ask that you and your family and friends join us for the “First Friday“ opening reception on Friday, February 3 from 6-10pm.
Work may be priced for sale (or not). PONSHOP retains 40% of all sales and reimburses the artists within 30 days of exhibition closing.
Scarlett and I are truly excited to be offering our gallery as a venue for our students and encourage your participation. Feel free to contact us should you have any questions.
PONSHOP Student Work: Kids' Mixed Media

Opening Reception: First Annual PONSHOP Student Show
February 4, 2011 marked the first annual PONSHOP Student Show. This group show featured students of PONSHOP Classes over the past year. The gallery featured work completed in PONSHOP classes: ceramics, mixed media, street art and skateboard graphics.
We would like to thank our students (and their parents) for their participation. Below are more snapshots from the opening night. The artists with their piece...Good Work Folks!
Street Art/Skate to Create: December 2010